Now, after the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become more accessible to smaller companies who simply want to automate and streamline all workflows, starting at the top of administrative management. The virtual board software is exactly helping to do this in the most advantageous way of all.

First, Let’s Look at What the Board Portal Is

To put it simply and in a few words, the board portal is nothing more than a Swiss knife for the most effective way to manage a board of directors. Not management, to be precise, but it is an assistant for generating and structuring your ideas that come up during discussions. With this simple yet sophisticated app, you can create meetings using both built-in video conferencing tools and third-party apps like Google or Zoom. As the discussion progresses, you’ll use tools such as:

Built-in smart votes. No one will miss them, since they most often have built-in monitoring of each individual participant’s activity. In addition, they appear in such a way that they simply cannot be missed. Working with documents and files with a paperless meeting solution. This is necessary in order to create and work with documents right during the discussion of an idea. Right during the meeting, you can view and edit them. By the way, all your changes will be recorded for tracking user actions. Cross-platform. If you are a fan of Android phones and your interlocutor uses Windows, there is no problem in most cases. You will both use the same app and have no difficulty in the features you use.

Even these few tools help to understand how handy this application is in everyday use if we are talking about corporate management. Read on board portal comparison here to see even more.

Second, You Should Consider Your Needs

In fact, choosing the right software starts solely with determining your needs. Answer the following questions in as much detail as possible:

What type of company are you? A lot depends on this question, because most software vendors focus on a couple of different industries rather than an entire segment of the business market. What size is your company? Most of today’s board portal reps work exclusively for large and medium sized companies. It may be difficult for you to find the right functionality if you have a small company. What is your security policy? This is something to consider when choosing a particular product, as your security policy may not match the software you are provided with. You should consider the length and other characteristics of passwords, role definitions and permissions. What do you typically do in meetings? As strange as this question may sound, it can also be quite important. If you even think that you “do what everyone else does in meetings,” you could be wrong. Do you create votes, do you participate in paperwork within meetings, and so forth? What is your financial plan for using the online board meeting? You need to think about this in as much detail as possible and consider various subscription offers. Keep in mind that there may be hidden fees at the end of the month. All of this is something you should consider when signing and researching a service contract.

Only with these questions can you really find what you need and not what is forced upon you in the end. Figure out what you want before you gather information about any specific options.

Let’s Summarize What We’ve Written with Specific Examples

We don’t really want to advertise any particular product here, so we’ll try to be as objective as possible and take on three giants in the field that don’t need advertising. We will consider them as affordable examples of having some features and capabilities that would be useful for your company. Take, for example, board management software from the famous iDeals. If you’ve ever considered buying this technology, you’ve one hundred percent found this example to be one of the first on the market. They are popular because they are cross-platform, secure, and have good features:

That is, you can use this software on both iOS and Linux if you need it. Plus, this software works on a completely different level of the internet and supports multi factor authentication, so your data will be properly protected. It’s said to be suitable for any type of business because of its flexible pricing. The final price, on the other hand, is set after you provide all your company information, like size and line of business.

You can also consider Diligent and Nasdaq, which are similar board portal software market giants. They provide a bit of similar functionality, which can vary based on your activities. They all provide a free demo, so you can familiarize yourself with the user interface and see what works for you and what doesn’t.