However, somehow you bricked your Xiamo Mi A1 during any type of installation process, then at the right installing stock firmware can be proved very helpful. Because it restores our device to the stock firmware and also if you wished to unroot your device or want to relock your device’s bootloader to receive the OTA updates then restoring to stock firmware is the best option. Xiaomi Mi A1 Stock Firmware All the steps and download links which have provided below are only working for Xiaomi Mi A1 does not even try to allow these steps in any other device. We have provided the download link along with the installation process. Xiaomi Mi A1 Stock Firmware

[Download Links Added]  Lineage OS 15.0 Device List  | All Android Devices (Android 8.0) [Official List] Android Oreo Device List- List of the devices which will get official Android 8.0 update Full List of devices which have received Lineage OS 14/14.1 (Download) Download Magisk v14.0 and Magisk Manager v5.3.0 (Oreo Root) FlashFire v0.70 is available for download with support for Android 8.0 Oreo


WARNING will not be held responsible for any kind of damage occurred to your device while following this tutorial. Do it at your own risk.


Download Xiaomi Mi A1 Stock Firmware

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#3da30d” color=”#ffffff” size=”4″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: download” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #010c16″]Download Xiaomi Mi A1 N2G47H.7.9.21 ROM[/su_button]

How to install the Stock Firmware on Xiaomi Mi A1

Follow the linked article below for installation part

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#3da30d” color=”#ffffff” size=”4″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: external-link-square” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #010c16″]How to install Xiami Mi A1 Stock Firmware N2G47H.7.9.21[/su_button] If you have any queries regarding this then feel free to ask in the comment section. Note: Images used in this posts are not owned by us and are the properties of respective person

Download Xiaomi Mi A1 Stock Firmware  N2G47H 7 9 21 ROM  - 26